Monday, October 15, 2007

Chuck Norris Facts Redux

Check out the daily Fred Thompson Facts over at IMAO (in my arrogant opinion)

Absolutely hilarious! My favorites are:

1. Fred Thompson is above any law, even those of thermodynamics.

2. If you even attempt to question Fred Thompson's patriotism, you will die instantly.

3. The House recently voted on a resolution expressing their fear of Fred Thompson. It passed 427 to 0 with 8 not voting since Fred Thompson had killed them.

4. If you look up "Fred Thompson," the dictionary says, "How the hell do you not know who Fred Thompson is?!" Then the dictionary gets so mad that it clamps on to your face and smothers you to death

5. Knowing is half the battle. The other half? Fred Thompson.

What's your favorite?

Btw, for those who don't know about Chuck Norris facts, check out this site or the Wikipedia article.
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Bush vetoes SCHIP

What can I say when the President vetoes a plan to tax cigarettes to fund healthcare for poor children? I think Jon Stewart summed it appropriately when he said "I thought something like that is only done by cartoon villains".

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