What's your theme music?
In the opening sequence of Farhan Akhtar's Don, Don is sitting in a cafe in Paris, and his phone rings. He picks up his sleek Razor and spits out his name into it: Don! And then, magically, Don's theme music starts playing.
Imagine how cool it would be if you could do this in real life - every trime you introduce yourself, your theme music started playing in the background. I was hanging out with some friends yesterday, and my question to them was: if you could do this, what theme music would you pick? Their answers ranged from the Pink Panther theme to classical and operatic music (I am not making this up), reflecting the personality of the individual.
So go ahead and tell me something about yourself - what's your theme music? Save to Del.Icio.us Digg This Submit to Reddit Stumble this
Imagine how cool it would be if you could do this in real life - every trime you introduce yourself, your theme music started playing in the background. I was hanging out with some friends yesterday, and my question to them was: if you could do this, what theme music would you pick? Their answers ranged from the Pink Panther theme to classical and operatic music (I am not making this up), reflecting the personality of the individual.
So go ahead and tell me something about yourself - what's your theme music? Save to Del.Icio.us Digg This Submit to Reddit Stumble this
Ah, but that's not fair. What's yours?
I had this idea some time ago--I thought it'd be great to have a jacket with built-in speakers that you could play at a moment's notice by touching a button on your sleeve. I think they recently started making snowboarding parkas that do this.
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