Monday, August 25, 2008

24 hours is 3 days!

Arrived in Mumbai yesterday, on a brief visit home. One of the first issues I'd to deal with was that my ISP had not activated my internet connection. I repeatedly called them about this, and each time I'd be told that it'd be done in 24 hours. So obviously, I sort of lost my patience after a while; but the agent I was speaking with, instead of being ruffled, explained to me that it's "24 WORKING hours", and that each working day is 8 hours!!

I think it's very disingenuous to say that something will get done in 24 working hours (and even casually dropping the operative word "working" most of the time) when you really mean that it'd take 3 days, even if the numbers add up to the same. What do you think?
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Blogger sameers said...

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5:06 PM  
Blogger sameers said...

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5:07 PM  
Blogger Sameer Siruguri said...

i think they shd go a step further and say, "it means twenty four hours when we are actually working."


5:13 PM  

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