Starbucks and More

These pics were forwarded by a friend, who in turn got it from someone working at Reuters.
Btw, random semi-relevant trivia: Starbucks is, well, sort of, named after a character in Moby Dick. I didn't quite know the nuances of the story before, so do click through on that link even if you think you know this well.
Another random digression: A little over two years ago, I got a tour of the Starbucks headquarters in Seattle. I was road-tripping (is that a legit phrase? Who cares!) from LA to Seattle on the beautiful Pacific Coast Highway, and one of my fellow road-trippers had a good friend at Starbucks. Our contact at Starbucks talked us through their marketing strategy, and mentioned that Starbucks wants to "own the color green" (sort of like UPS and brown), at which point my banker friend got really confused and went: "When you say 'own' the color green, how exactly do you guys plan to own it?". He's right; it's not ownership, just a 100-year lease! Save to Digg This Submit to Reddit Stumble this
nice..didn't know that bit of trivia about Starbucks
People seem to like trivia on this blog. Will post more of that.
Nice pics on the Wildlife at IIT blog
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