Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Starbucks needs to hire monks!

After a recent dinner, I was introduced to the liqueur Frangelico. The origin of the Frangelico name is very interesting:

“According to Barbero, the manufacturer in Italy, the name of the liqueur is based on a legend of a hermit named Fra Angelico who "created unique recipes for liqueurs."

Now, it just so happened that another person at the table was sipping a Cappuccino, which, as we all know, is named for the color of the habit of Capuchin friars.

Which left me wondering what would have happned if Fra Angelico had been a Capuchin friar, and not a Franciscan/Dominican. Would he have invented the Frappuccino?
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Blogger Anurag said...

Hey CSV,
very interesting blog..m adding it to the list of blogs i read regularly..n the life unlimited thing is particularly exciting!! dint know bout it!

11:29 AM  

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